Cailtyn Jenner | Week 4

11:55 Erika Arabella 0 Comments

Caitlyn Jenner

Some of you may have heard of her, some of you might not. Caitlyn Jenner is not a designer but still a huge role model.  She's a former athlete who has won a gold medal for decathlon at the Montreal Summer Olympics in 1976. 

Caitlyn was born as Bruce Jenner. Yes, she was a guy. She is transgender and that word itself is breaking the rules.

Recently I became obsessed with the series I AM CAIT, which is a series she is in as the main character. She became famous because of the series Keeping Up With The Kardashians and I was a fan of that too, which I know is weird and that there a lot of hate especially from the public but I can't say it's not entertaining.

Getting back on track, Caitlyn came out in April this year with an interview with Diane Sawyer. She has dealt with gender dysphoria since her youth.

She then did a cover on Vanity Fair which became viral especially on social media and trended worldwide on twitter.

A short documentary was then filmed by Vanity Fair to talk about the cover and how the decision was made.

The reason I'm talking about her is that, as a TV personality having influence for the LGBTQ+ community is huge. Every year, every day even, there's people out there struggling with their sexuality, their gender and just struggling with themselves. They cannot be who they are because they'll get hated, they'll get bullied and they'll get killed. It is a topic that needs to be discussed but most people in the world choose to ignore it. They choose to close both their eyes and act like homosexuality in general does not exist. 

This is how teens reacted to the news and I wish that most adults would have reacted/feel the same way.

Having Cailtyn come out is a huge help to the community. As a supporter for the community, this is something I am thankful for. In the I AM CAIT series, her journey is broadcasted to the public. She went to meet a diverse amount of people of variety. This allow the audience to be more educated and more open-minded on the topic. 

After Caitlyn came out, same-sex marriage was legalised throughout the US in June. I would say that it might have influenced this decision a little. This is amazing as this should be legalised everywhere in the world. Everyone are humans and everyone are equal. We all deserve to be happy. Instead when the topic comes one people throw shades at each other and force religion into other people's throat.

This touched me to tears and they definitely delivered my message better than I can. It is amazing how pure and amazing kids are.

Caitlyn then appeared on Ellen Degenerous's talk show (She is openly lesbian and married) and briefly talked about her journey.

Everyone needs to know that gender and sexuality is not a choice, it is a gift that has been given to someone since they were born. It may be a surprise but it is not really. Just watch this touching video below.

Back on the topic of Caitlyn Jenner, this is her amazing speech on the ESPY Awards.

I'm not sure if my message was well delivered but I hope it came across right and that whoever reads this will understand. We all need to know that we are all human and we all have feelings. Do not discriminate people just because they are not "normal" by your standards. This is the cause of most suicides. You do not know what the person have been through. "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can kill me."

Remember that you're not alone, if you need help please seek your close ones or contact a helpline.